After compiling all the other articles for this issue, there were still some things that G&G felt still shouldn't be forgotten. Our Editor also felt like creating a crossword puzzle. To that end, G&G went and killed two birds with the same stone.
3. Many A.P. Math and English students gave blood to this organization
4. Popular card game frequently seen being played in A.P. English
8. The Applied Economics class sold these during the 1989 football season (sort of like the Minnesota Twins' Homer Hankies and the Pittsburgh Steelers' Terrible Towels)
10. Nickname of A.P. Math 12 student who had two knee injuries during his senior year
12. Mrs. Sparrow's classroom once smelled like this because her Humanities class carved up bars of it for a class project
15. Jenny Fitzgerald beat this AP Math/English student in the 1989 Homecoming Queen election (last name only)
16. Mrs. Sparrow once resorted to writing on this because she ran out of space on the chalkboard
17. Last name of the student whom North Farmington students mistakenly heard was going to Cal Tech
1. Vic Varsanyi ('91) and Mark Williamson both had ________ calculators; Varsanyi's could also take derivatives
2. Mrs. Sparrow judged regionals of a tournament involving this activity
5. He came from Fairfield, NY to visit HHS during Homecoming (last name only)
6. Nickname of Paul Levine's Ford Fairmont station wagon
7. 11 Down tore down a campaign poster put up by this candidate for 1991 Class Vice-President, Julie _____, because it had a picture of a nearly-naked fat guy on it
9. The last name of the French mathematician who discovered a rule concerning certain kinds of limits; Mr. Boluch had trouble pronouncing his name
11. A.P. Math students who wanted extra credit for taking the Michigan Math exam had to beat the son of this teacher (last name only)
13. Todd Rope, Amy Gallagher and 17 Across starred in this, the school's spring play
14. May 10, 1990 was Senior ____ Day
If you must peek at the solution, you can see it here.
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